#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // TX RX software library for bluetooth
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // Connect the TXD pin of BT module to pin 2 of the Arduino and the RXD pin of BT module to pin 3 of Arduino.
int Rightmotor1 = 4; //pin 1 of Rightmotor
int Rightmotor2 = 5; //pin2 of Rightmotor
int leftmotor1 = 6;//pin1 of leftmotor
int leftmotor2 = 7;//pin2 of leftmotor
int en1=9; //enable pin for Rightmotor
int en2=10; // enable pin for leftmotor
String readString;
void setup()
pinMode(Rightmotor1,OUTPUT); // attach Right Motor 1st wire to pin 4
pinMode(Rightmotor2,OUTPUT); // attach Right Motor 1st wire to pin 5
pinMode(leftmotor1,OUTPUT);// attach Right Motor 1st wire to pin 6
pinMode(leftmotor2,OUTPUT);// attach Right Motor 1st wire to pin 7
pinMode(en1,OUTPUT); //attach motor drivers rightmotor enable pin to PWM pin 9 of arduino
pinMode(en2,OUTPUT);//attach motor drivers leftmotor enable pin to PWM pin 10 of arduino
Serial.begin(9600); //Setup usb serial connection to computer
mySerial.begin(9600);//Setup Bluetooth serial connection to android
void loop()
char data = mySerial.read();//store the data come from bluetooth to char data
if(readString.length() > 0) {
Serial.println(readString); ///Print the data to serial monitor which is given by bluetooth
if(readString == "Forward"){ //if forward received do following
digitalWrite(Rightmotor1, HIGH); ////////////FORWARD ////////////////////////
digitalWrite(Rightmotor2, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftmotor1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftmotor2, LOW);
analogWrite(en1,200);// for controlling speed of Rightmotor vary the value from 0 to 255
analogWrite(en2,200);// for controlling speed of leftmotor vary the value from 0 to 255
if(readString == "Back"){ //if Back received do following
digitalWrite(Rightmotor1, LOW); ////////////BACK/////////////////////////////
digitalWrite(Rightmotor2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftmotor1, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftmotor2, HIGH);
if(readString == "Left"){ //if left received do following
digitalWrite(Rightmotor1, HIGH);/////////////LEFT////////////////////////////
digitalWrite(Rightmotor2, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftmotor1, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftmotor2, HIGH);
if(readString == "Right"){ //if Right received do following
digitalWrite(Rightmotor1, LOW);/////////////RIGHT////////////////////////
digitalWrite(Rightmotor2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftmotor1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftmotor2, LOW);
if(readString == "Stop"){ //if stop received do following
digitalWrite(Rightmotor1, LOW); ///////////stop/////////////////
digitalWrite(Rightmotor2, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftmotor1, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftmotor2, LOW);
readString = "";